A totally in-universe document, this is the publication that anyone serving in the Imperial Guard has to carry and produce on demand on pain of death. Includes a basic rundown of the equipment, duties, and possible foes of an Imperial Guardsman (or woman). The parts detailing the 40k-specific equipment and tactics I found interesting. The parts detailing, for example, guard duty I found less so - it's amusing to think guard duty hasn't changed in 38,000 years, but I don't necessarily need to read three pages about it to get the point. My favorite part is the description of the enemies that may be faced, which are shamelessly falsified to instill confidence; Thus, fearsome armored battlesuits become in this telling ineffective suits of brittle armor given to "warriors who are even more cowardly than their compatriots, and who refuse to enter combat without maximum protection". I also enjoyed the little drawings of the types of Guardsmen who are to be shot after getting corrupted with warp travel, as well as the endlessly quotable uplifting pearls of wisdom printed on the bottom of each page, ranging from statements that "Mercy is a sign of weakness" to advice to "Be strong in your ignorance", "Ask not why, just do", and of course "Obey your orders".
W40K Nerd Grade: A-
Non-Nerd Grade: D
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