Dead Witch Walking: The Hollows, Book 1 (Kim Harrison)
Ladies and gentlemen, it's finally happened. Brace yourself - a free Kindle book that didn't make me want to die! Yes! A free e-book that wasn't about God giving court reporters magical psychic powers or Evil Muslim Terrorists meeting at Shoney's to plan throwing grenades into churches or small towns putting up christmas trees right in the road and being surprised when cars hit them! The curse has finally been broken, which is kind of funny since the book is all about an alternate Earth where vampires, werewolves, pixies, witches, etc. live side by side with humans. And it's good! I mean, it's not great literature, but it's clever and brisk and at one point the main charecter turns herself into a mink and the bad guy captures her and puts her into a rat-fighting league to try and bump her off without leaving any evidence behind. I mean, I can pick some nits - the main charecter starts by leaving her job at the supernatural equivilant of the FBI, which reacts by putting out a hit on her, which everyone seems to think is normal and makes sense, but which I myself never understood. But really, I'd be happy with this book even if I'd paid for it, and at the price of free, I'm not gonna complain. Heck, I may even pick up some of the other books in the series, no doubt all part of the author's evil plan in offering the first one for free.
Grade: B+
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