Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nham's Bookshelf: February 2013

I thought it might be fun as a very occasional feature to show my shelves of to-read books. Currently it's a bit overstuffed thanks to Christmas and a trip to Barnes & Noble to pick up a book for K. Ham's college course where we also ended up with $100 worth of other books we saw. Due to a slight review backlog, the books appearing on this shelf may not actually start appearing here until next month, but eventually, every book on this shelf should end up reviewed here (or I'll die first, isn't that comforting?).

Shelf 1 (click to enlarge)

Sorry about the strong flash on this one. The three washed-out books to the right of Out Of Time are Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms, Death: The High Cost of Living, and The Books of Magic.

Fiona is standing in front of Iron Curtain, Street Without Joy, and Like Wolves on the Fold, which I stole from my wife's shelf. I had to put her up here as my cats figured out how to scale the bookshelf up to the lower shelf she was on, smack her on the floor, and chew on her. Fiona, I mean; The cats chew on my wife, too, but she's too big to fit on my shelf.

The white envelope is a signed 8 by 10 of Spoony I'm going to have framed one of these years (yes, really).

Shelf 2:

The bracelet says "I (heart) BOOBS". I think my wife got it at a breast cancer fundraiser. I don't think that candy is safe to eat anymore.

Shelf 3:

I stole Discretion off my wife's shelf (man, I hope she's not reading this). Can you spot the Warhammer books? Probably, since most of them say "WARHAMMER 40000" on the spine. If you don't want to squint, they're The Founding, The Saint (both omnibuses), Angel Exterminatus, Titanicus, Soul Hunter, and The Joy Luck Club.
No, just kidding; Angel Extermantus is an Amy Tan book about four Iron Warriors meeting to eat dim sum and play mahjong.
NO, still kidding; hold the angry comments.

And that's it. I don't forsee this being a regular feature given that some of these books have been on here for years; hopefully in 2014 I'll be able to make another one of these and there won't be too many familiar faces.


  1. Town of Evening Calm... pretty much makes you want to kill yourself, but the whole thing takes about 15 minutes to read, so that's an easy one to get out of the way.

    1. Hah, that's a good pick! I actually did read it a day or two after this post went up; now I feel like I have to review it since it's mentioned in the post, although I don't have much more to say than ":("
