Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Quick Note About Scheduling

Here at Bite Size Book Reviews we aim to serve you, the readers - both of you - so here's a quick post about update frequency. To avoid situations like June 2012 where there's only three reviews because I'm reading a massive book, I've taken to scheduling a review to be published every five days, starting from the first of the month. This lets me stay ahead of schedule thanks to books that I don't finish and graphic novels. A few months ago, I ended up with about six months of reviews in the can, to the point where when a review was being published, I'd have almost forgotten reading the book. September and most of October, as a result, had a review every three days until the backlog was cleared - now that I've almost run out of material, it's back to a review every five days. From here on out, you can expect a review every five days, with a burst of a month or month and a half of three day reviews once or twice a year. (There may also be two reviews in a row on the 30th/1st of two new months, and there might be a six day gap if the month ends on the 31st - tomorrow's review is Tampa).

** Update **

Whoops, I forgot it was actually Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom. Well, stay tuned.

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