As it turns out, "Nemesis" doesn't actually spoil "Mechanicum", although it would be perfect if it did; This books like the anti-"Nemesis". Where Nemesis has two plots that start unconnected, one of them annoying, and wrap them together at the end, this book starts with one plot, which splits into two, with them totally unconnected at the end of the book (and one of them, frankly, annoying when you realize that it has no connection to the other story, which is the one actually dealing with Mechcanicum and the fate of Mars). Where Nemesis is probably too long at over 500 pages, I thought this book was over too fast. Although it has a hell of a climax - you can't really ask for a bigger bang to end a story on - I felt like there was still more to tell; Since I can't give the ending away, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Like Nemesis, this is a weird book (weirder in fact than Nemesis, I think), and like Nemesis it is good, but not great
Grade: B
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