Monday, December 26, 2011

"The Horus Heresy: Collected Visions"

The Horus Heresy: Collected Visions (Alan Merrett)

Well, I didn't think I was going to read this whole thing, but here we are. This is a nice big hefty coffee table book about the Horus Heresy, mostly art comissioned for some collectible card game that's too nerdy even for me. The art makes up probably 80% of the pages and is the real star, although the text isn't bad, describing the entire Heresy from start to finish. Fellow W40K nerds should beware that the text contains a few passages that may charitably be described as perhaps inaccurate and maybe more accurately described as heretical; This includes the Emperor directing Russ and the Space Wolves to flat out destroy the Thousand Sons instead of just ferrying Magnus back to earth (and the text later contradicts itself on this point anyway), and weirdest of all, having the Emperor and Horus have a big dumb hollywood fight at the end where Horus pulls one of the Emperor's arms off and stuff. (I was under the impression that the Emperor could have defeated Horus any time he wanted; It was only his love for his son and his humanity that was staying his hand, not that Horus was able to beat him up as depicted here.) (Also, if you understood any of what I just said, you are a giant nerd.)

Page 200, which features what appears to be a demonically laughing woman zooming across the page powered by what can only be described as a massive jet fart
Pages 362 & 363, a full page spread of probably the greatest piece of W40K art of all time featuring the Emperor confronting Horus on the bridge of his ship

Grade: B

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