Monday, February 20, 2012

"If Chins Could Kill"

If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor (Bruce Campbell)

When reading autobiographies, I find it's important to know what you're getting into - are you getting a book the author actually wrote themselves, or a lazy cash grab where they talked into a tape recorder? Luckily, this is the genuine article, an entertainingly conversational, breezy autobiography about the actor's life and career. Bruce is a good stoyteller, and even his childhood - a subject in autobiographies which I have complained about before and I'm sure I will again - is never boring to read, although I did find myself shaking my head and some of the pranks he pulled with his brother.
Once Bruce gets to college and starts making horrible Super-8 movies with Sam Raimi the book really picks up, with the most ink given to his best known roles in the (let's be honest) absolutely terrible movies "Evil Dead" and "Evil Dead 2". This book was published in 2002, so if you're a huge Bruce Campbell fan you might want to be aware that it's not exactly up to date, but then again if you're a huge Bruce Campbell fan you probably own this already instead of parousing obscure book review blogs to see if it's something you're interested in.

Grade: B+

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