Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Holy Sh*t!"

Holy Sh*t! The World's Weirdest Comic Books (Paul Gravett & Peter Stanbury)

Well, it's pretty much all there in the title - here's a interesting little book collecting some of the world's oddest comic books, running the gamut from Italian porno spider-woman knockoffs to the Archie-styled Hansi ("The girl who loved the swastika"). Each comic includes a full-page cover, a sample frame and a short discription. My only real complaint is that I'd like to see more of some of these; If you want to see more "Trucker Fags in Denial" or "Godzilla vs Barkley", who knows how easy those are to track down. (Also, it would be nice if the book was a little bigger, but then it wouldn't exactly be a bathroom book.) My personal favorite is Genus, specifically the "Special Extra Large Lesbian Unicorn Issue" featured here (the author dryly notes that the extra large "refers to the size of the issue, not the lesbian unicorns").

Grade: B

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