The World's Worst Cars (Craig Cheetham)
A pocket-sized little book about - well, you can probably guess from the title. 150 cars are inside, each one with a two-page writeup, consisting of a page of text and then a photo of the car with various wise-ass remarks. Since there's 150 cars, some of them aren't as bad as the others; You get weird curiosities like a car with a jet engine or the infamous "Amphicar" mixed in with some good cars that just had horrible build quality. (Luckily, probably the two ugliest vechiles in modern history - Europe's Fiat Multipla and America's Pontiac Aztek - don't escape the author's gaze.)
I found this book to be a enjoyable little larf. If you're a big car fan, you may want to excersize some caution; The author has a lot of English cars I'd never heard of (British Leyland keeps coming in for beatings), and some of the Amazon reviews are rather scathing. Niether one of these really matters to me, which ears this book a solid
Grade: B
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