Bizarre Books: A Compendium of Classic Oddities (Russel Ash & Brian Lake)
At first flipping through this book, I was disappointed that it was mostly titles; that feeling wore off as I realized that 98% of the books in here sound pretty terrible (Proceedings of the Second International Potato Modeling Confrence, anybody?). Most of the book's humor comes from either incredibly boring sounding books (1587, a Year of No Significance), titles that were perfectly normal at the time but are now suggestive (Scouts in Bondage), and the just plain fucked up (Planet of the Knob Heads, of which the authors quote: "In about a week I had recovered from most of the effects of the knob operation"). The last part of the book is both the most juvenile and my favorite, being a list of weird authors names (including W. Anker, Twat Booth and of course Ludwig von Baldass). There's really something here for everything is what I'm saying, and this is a great little bathroom book that's very difficult to put down.
Grade: A
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