Tuesday, February 25, 2014


1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Charles Mann)

I feel a little deceived by this book. What I was expecting was a book all about the people native to the Americans before Columbus. There is some of this material in the book - and these parts are quite good - but more than half of the book is a history of white people's understanding of the history, not the history itself.
This is not exactly what I wanted. I understand that some material about the way that modern people think about the subject can be useful, but there's just too much for me, and it really started getting on my nerves reading page after page about it. I want to hear about the history; I don't necessarily find it so interesting to be hearing about the theory and ways of thinking about the history. (It also has the effect of once again making the story about white people.)
Ultimately, I just found that there was too much of this material in the book. What parts of it that there are about the Americas before Columbus are quite good, but there simply isn't enough of this to make this an easy recommend. Check it out of the library and just read the parts that are directly recounting the history.

Grade: B-

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